Families Are Involved in Cub Scouts!

Cub Scouts is considered a "Family Scouting" activity, meaning that adults are expected to participate in the Scouting program with their Scouts. The program is designed to center around family participation, with parents serving as role models and mentors for their child. 

Pack 529's Cub Scout program is exclusively run by adult volunteers, who are most often parents/guardians of Scouts. Parents are the lifeblood of our pack; without them, our program would be limited and our Scouts would be missing out on the fun. 

In order to have a successful Pack...

We must have, at minimum, the "Key Three" leaders: 

While we must have three individuals in the key three positions, we cannot run a successful program without the following: 

As such, and to ensure all families are represented in the Pack and each family shares in the responsibility of making our Pack function properly, Pack 529 requires at least one adult from each family to serve in one of the following adult positions:

Adults are expected to fulfill their obligation(s) for the entire scouting year (June-June). See our Pack Bylaws (Pack Resources page) for more details.

How to Become a
Trained Adult Leader

It is very easy to become a Trained Leader in our Pack!

Pack 529 pays for its leaders' application fees and dues. All you need to do is get trained and apply! All of the required training can be taken online so you can take the training at your own pace.

Uniforms: Adult Leaders in certain positions may need to purchase wear an official BSA leader uniform.

 Steps to Leadership Action Items

Not ready to become a Trained Leader? We still need your help!

In addition to the programs and tasks performed by Trained Leaders, we have tons of committees, tasks, and activities which need parent/guardian support! There are lots of ways you can help. Pack 529 will announce when specific help is needed; however, you are encouraged to ask how you can help at any time. Remember, our Scouts learn in part by watching adults. We role model service to others by being helpful, courteous, and kind!

Parent/Guardian Action Items

We appreciate the support of all of our involved adults! We couldn't run such a great program for our youth without you!