Safety in Scouting

The information presented on this page is being provided directly from the Boy Scouts of America's website and Guide to Safe Scouting materials.

The BSA’s Commitment to Safety

In Scouting, we will not compromise the safety of our youth, volunteers, and employees. Safety is a value that must be taught and reinforced at every opportunity. We are all responsible and must hold each other accountable to provide a safe environment for all participants. We are committed to abuse prevention by utilizing:

We are committed to injury and illness prevention by integrating safety measures in our handbooks, literature, and training materials, including the Guide to Safe Scouting. We expect leaders to use the four points of SAFE when delivering the program. SAFE Scouting measures include:

When incidents do occur, we expect a timely, clear, and complete incident report. We are committed to learning from the data and modifying program guidance for the prevention of future occurrences.

Learn more by reviewing the Guide to Safe Scouting (links to BSA website).

Youth Protection and Adult Leadership

Boy Scouts of America Scouter Code of Conduct

On my honor I promise to do my best to comply with this Boy Scouts of America Scouter Code of Conduct while serving in my capacity as an adult leader:

Source: Boy Scouts of America Scouter Code of Conduct | Boy Scouts of America ( 

Program Requirements (overall)

Program Requirements: Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs

Adult Registration Requirements

The chartered organization representative, or in their absence the executive officer of the chartered organization, must approve the registration of the unit’s adult leaders.

Registration includes:

Current Youth Protection training is required for leaders when renewing their registration or at unit charter renewal.

Adult program participants must register as adults and follow Youth Protection policies.

Adult Supervision

Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including all meetings. There must be a registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over in every unit serving females. A registered female adult leader 21 years of age or over must be present for any activity involving female youth or female adult program participants.  

Notwithstanding the minimum leader requirements, age and program-appropriate supervision must always be provided.  

All adults staying overnight in connection with a Scouting activity must be currently registered as an adult volunteer or an adult program participant.  Adult volunteers must register in the position(s) they are serving in. Registration as a merit badge counselor position does not meet this requirement. See FAQ for list of approved adult registration fee required positions.   Limited exception below for Cub Scout overnight Programs.

Cub Scout Programs – Overnight Exception:   Cub Scout parents or legal guardians taking part in an overnight Cub Scout program with their own child or legal ward are not required to register as leaders. All adults must review the “How to Protect your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” that can be found in the front of each Cub Scout Handbook. In addition, the parent or legal guardian must be accompanied by a registered leader at any time they are with youth members other than their own child/ward.  All other overnight adults must be currently registered in an adult fee required position.

One-on-one contact between adult leaders and youth members is prohibited both inside and outside of Scouting.

Discipline must be constructive.

Adult Supervision: Youth Protection and Barriers to Abuse FAQs


Leaders must ensure that all participating in Scouting activities abide by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

Adult leaders and youth members share the responsibility for the safety of all participants in the program, including adherence to Youth Protection and health and safety policies. 

All leaders are required to adhere to the Scouter Code of Conduct.


Separate accommodations for adult males and females and youth males and females are required. 


Lodging/Cabin Accommodations

Whenever possible, separate cabins or lodging should be provided for male and female adults as well as for male and female youth. Where separate accommodations cannot be provided due to group size or limited availability, modifications may be made. Where completely separate accommodations are not available, additional supervision is required.


Separate shower and latrine facilities should be provided for male and female adults as well as for male and female youth. If separate facilities are not available, separate times should be scheduled and posted.

Privacy of youth is respected.

Reporting Requirements

Adult leaders and youth members have a responsibility to recognize, respond to, and report Youth Protection violations and abuse.


Youth Protection Policy Violations 

Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse

Scouts First Helpline

If someone is at immediate risk of harm, always call 911.

Youth Protection Training

At Pack 529, not only do we require all volunteers to complete Youth Protection Training (YPT), we also require all parents/guardians and adults participating in the program to complete the training. 

Learn more about Youth Protection