Your Support Matters!
Scouting is committed to shaping the leaders of tomorrow. The mission of Scouting is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
When you support Scouting, you become a champion for America's future leaders. Your support and generosity becomes the catalyst for transformative experiences that empower young people to confidently face life's challenges.
There are many ways you can support Scouting:
Volunteer your time as an adult leader
Under Scout Leader guidance, provide guest speakers, activities, and/or supplies on behalf of your organization in support of Scouts earning rank requirements
Offer storefront space for Scouts to fundraise
Purchase popcorn, camp cards, and other fundraiser items directly from Scouts
Donate financially and/or donate items
When you give to Scouting, you're making it possible for young people to have greater opportunities that will help them to learn, grow, and develop in a variety of ways. Through the Scouting program, young people are instilled with core values such as honesty, leadership, and service – values that our world yearns for now, more than ever!
Ways to Give
Thank you in advance for your generous support!
Annual Fundraisers
Camp Card Fundraiser will be starting soon!
Camp Card Fundraiser
General Donations
Some individuals, families, businesses, and/or organizations may choose to donate directly.
Card Donations
Select your donation amount and donate online.
Check Donations
Make checks payable to
"Pack 529" and mail it to us.
Pack 529 Wish List
(Listed in order of priority need)
New or like new pull-behind trailer
New or like new propane tank
Custom shelving made/installed in Pack trailer
New or gently used coolers
Long extension cords
10' x 10' canopy
New or gently used fishing gear, camping gear, and outdoor games/equipment
New or gently used uniforms
Craft Supplies
Various rope for tying, tug-of-war, etc.
Why We Fundraise
Scouts Learn Valuable Skills
Scouts who fundraise learn and practice many valuable skills which are useful in life. Scouts who participate in fundraising efforts:
Learn the value and process of setting and working toward goals,
Practice public speaking, people skills, and sales techniques,
Improve communication, leadership skills, and confidence,
Gain a strong sense of accomplishment through recognition,
Improve understanding of hard work and the value of money,
Earn valuable rewards including gift cards and prizes, and
Help pay their own way in Scouts by receiving a percentage of their sales in their ISA (Individual Scout Account); those funds can be used to pay for Scout-related fees such as campouts, summer day camps, Scouting dues/fees, uniform costs, and more! Some Scouts are even able to fully fund their whole year of Scouting through their annual fundraising efforts!
Lowering Costs to Participate
Scouts and their families pay fees and dues in order to participate in the Scouting program. Our Pack engages in fundraising efforts to help keep our Pack dues as low as possible, as well as to help Scouts learn important life skills as they learn how to earn their way/fund their own experiences in Scouting. Below is just a small sampling of the activities supported by your fundraising efforts and participation:
Scout patches, badges and recognition awards
Rank graduation gifts
Den meeting activity supplies
Pinewood Derby trophies
Blue & Gold Banquet supplies
Recharter fees for returning scouts
Leader registration fees