As with other youth programs, there are costs involved with participating in Scouting; however the value is high given the ways that Scouts learn, grow, and develop from their involvement in the Scouting program. Additionally, it is important to know that costs can be reduced through Scout and family participation in fundraising programs.
Annual Costs Involved to Participate in Scouting
The annual registration costs to participate in Cub Scouting include:
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and Council fees, which include registration, rechartering fees, and other fees
Pack dues, which cover awards, activities, and supplies
Additionally, there are costs involved with purchasing a Scout uniform and Scout handbook (as needed).
2024-2025 BSA Fees and Pack Dues**
$145*^ BSA Youth Annual Fees (including Council Fees)
$87* Pack Dues
$232* Total cost for the whole scouting year
During our Fall Membership Recruitment season, the newly recruited Scouts will pay (which includes the National Council’s one-time youth joining fee of $25.00) $170 for a 12-month BSA membership cycle. Later in the Fall, Scouts currently registered in the Central Florida Council will recharter for the 2024 calendar year in the amount of $145* for youth and $105* for adult leaders. The adult fee provides enhanced background checks and general liability insurance.
Pay Fees and Dues
The fees for the 2024-2025 Scouting Year are due by 10/15/2024.
Interested in using your Scout's Individual Scout Account (ISA) funds toward your fees and dues? Contact Pack 529's Treasurer, Nitesh Baranwal, at before submitting your payment and he will let you know your Scout's ISA balance and coordinate payments accordingly.
New Scouts who joined this Summer/Fall 2024
New Scouts who already paid $170 BSA Registration Fees in summer/fall 2024, you will only need to pay the Pack Dues at this time.
Established/Returning Scouts who joined before this Summer/Fall
Returning Scouts will need to pay both the BSA Fees and Pack Dues at this time.
Pack Dues Only
BSA Fees & Pack Dues
Additional Optional Fees
$15* Scouting Magazine subscription
$105* New adult leader registration (which is covered by Pack 529 includes application fee, registration, and background check)
Other activities such as day or overnight camp outs, summer day camps, and other special activities have additional costs associated with them.
*Price subject to change
^Effective August 1, 2024